Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Great Outdoors

It was a beautiful day today. Adam and i were able to get a lot done outside. One of my projects was planting flowers, so we took Cori outside and let her play in her baby jail on a mat in the grass. That lasted about 15 mintues before she wanted out!! And she was letting the whole neighborhood know it. So while i finished up my flower planting. Adam took a break from edging the sidewalk and let her crawl around in the yard.

She is quite the little weeder!! She would find weeds in the grass and pull them out. She will be easier to train than i thought! hee hee She really enjoyed crawling around in the yard and i have my very first pair of grass stained baby pants. Maybe i will have them bronzed!! Probably not.

Later in the evening Cori and i went out to gander at Adam's handy work with the edger. Mighty nice job i must say! And then Daddy and Daughter went on a tour of the flowering trees and shrubs in our yard. Adam was smelling the flowers while holding Cori up so that she could touch and smell them as well. It was so cute! WHY didn't i have the camera??? Now poor Adam is sneezing from all of the flowers Cori made him sniff! I just love those precious Daddy-Daughter moments.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Posted More Pictures

I finally got around to posting pictures of Cori's birthday party under the Party for Cori post. I wasn't able to get as many pictures as i had wanted to because i was too busy enjoying the moments with her. I hope my family got some good pictures.

I also am posting here, the picture of Adam putting all of her birthday toys together. It was a sad sight! Poor Adam!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

No. No. No.

So lately everything is No. Ask Cori any question and the answer is "NO" while she shakes her head no. For example: Are you thirsty? Shakes head no while saying "No". Are you cute? Shakes head no while saying "No". Is the American economy in a state of crisis? Shakes head no while saying "No". So you can see that she isn't telling the truth, she is just saying no to everything.

But she is still pretty darn cute!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Fish Faces

Well, it finally happened. I have been warning her that it would. I told Cori that if all you will eat are goldfish crackers, you will turn into a fish and today it happened. She started sucking her cheeks in and making fish faces. She loves the kissing sound it makes when she does it. If you ask her to do it, she won't, but if she is just sitting and playing she starts to suck her cheeks in and make that face and all i can do is laugh!!

Now i have to explain to her that if she keeps making that face over and over again, her face will get stuck that way. Well, at least that is what my Mom used to tell me......

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

1 Year Check Up

This morning Cori had her 1 year check up at the Doctor's office. She weighs 21 pounds and is 28 inches long. That puts her in the 50th percentile for weight and the 25th percentile for height. She isn't going to set any world records for the world's tallest woman, that is for sure. But she comes from two families who aren't exactly chocked full of NBA players either.

After the formalities of "Is your child developing properly and eating properly" (and she is by the way) she was attacked by a nurse weilding FOUR needles and a toe pricker! And then the crying ensued! She got a shot in each arm and each leg and then they pricked her toe and squeezed the blood out of it to check her lead levels and hemoglobin. Poor Cori! She is like her Mother and does NOT like shots.

Overall she is developing well and everyone at the office thought she was such a cutie! She has a new upper tooth for a grand total of three. (2 bottom and 1 top) And she has 3 more coming in up top.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mother Daughter Brunch

Another weekend come and gone... Cori and i had a lovely time with my Mom and Kerry and Erin and Molly at the Hibernian Mother/Daughter Mass and Brunch. Cori was well behaved, well, according to the lady two pews ahead of us, she wasn't so great. Every time Cori started singing or talking during the mass this lady would turn around and give us a dirty look. Oh well, i see more of God in Cori on a daily basis than i will probably ever see in that lady! At least Cori was enjoying herself and who is to say that Cori wasn't feeling God in her own way today.

"And a child shall lead them," and all that jazz...

Cori will be walking any time now. I can tell that she is frustrated that she can't just walk on her own and still is holding Mommy or Daddy's hand. She gets so excited when she is walking. She laughs and giggles and wants to go faster and faster. She is such a joy. Thank you God for this little miracle. I am blessed every day.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Party for Cori

Still recovering from Cori's birthday party! It was so wonderful Everyone had a good time and the kids all enjoyed it so much. Cori didn't know what to do with her cake until Adam fed her some icing, then it was GAME ON! She had so much smeared on her face she looked like a little clown. She didn't cry when everyone sang Happy Birthday and even clapped at the end.

She received some very nice presents; toys that she has played with all week, items to take on vacation with us and some very cute clothes for this summer. Thanks to all who thought of her.

We gave the kids a mini bat to beat the pinata with. Even Cori got to take a couple swings while Adam was holding her. He was woried that she would smack him instead. We were all waiting for the AFV $10,000 moment but it didn't happen. After the kids all took a smack at it with the bat, the kids all pulled a ribbon on the back of the pinata and Abigail was the lucky one who opened it up. It was a free for all to see who could get the candy and fruit snacks! What a great day! What a great family i have. Thank you to my Mom for helping me with the food all day Saturday and setting up, Kerry for helping with food and set up, karen for keeping me sane while we packed and to Adam and Jerad for getting the kids there relatively on time.

I will post pictures soon!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Grandpa's Birthday

Today is my Father's birthday~ last year i was laying in a hospital maternity ward after a c-section with Cori. We told him that Cori was his present. I think this year we may actually have to go out and get a present. Unless Cori learns how to say Happy Birthday Grandpa! in the next couple of hours!

Still preparing for Cori's first birthday party on Sunday. It makes me sad that she won't even remember this great day. Still we will take lots and lots of pictures. She loved her rocking chair we gave to her on Wednesday. Of course she seems to love just about everything!

She only wants to feed herself these days. No more baby food for her! Just finger foods please. Today for lunch she is haveing diced pears and peaches, cheese ravioli, and cheerios. Today i will try her on some regular cow's milk. Hanford and Shelby love the finger food phase. There are lots of goodies that find their way to the floor for two greedy puppies.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

And So It Begins


Today is my daughter's 1st birthday! I cannot believe she is a year old already! So much has happened in this past year. Cori's birth, quitting my job to stay home with her full time, updates to the house, Adam being the "Bring home the bacon" guy. And yet it is all really just getting started....

Here is where i will chart Cori's growth and post pictures of our little family. I hope i am more consistant with this than i am with Cori's scrapbook!!