Saturday, June 28, 2008

So Much has Happened in a Week!

We have had a busy week here in the Haines' House. Tuesday the family drove to Toledo to see Granny Haines and the old clan from up north. It was a wonderful visit and Granny and Cori got to spend some nice time together. Cori loves to visit her Granny and see Max (the cat) too!

On Wednesday we hooked up with the Jensen's and all went to the Toledo Zoo. Cori's favorite word was "WOW" as she looked at all the animals. She really enjoyed the year old polar bear cubs playing around in the water. They were so frisky! She also got to pet the pigmy goats in the petting zoo. She just kept saying "Hi Baby!" over and over again. But by far, her best time was when she discovered the puddles of water just outside the petting zoo. She stomped her little tennis shoes in the puddles and splashed and patted the puddle with her hand. It was adorable and Granny got it all on tape. All in all it was a good day to visit family and the zoo.

Next, we went to the United Theological Seminary Pool with Aunt Kerry and Molly and Erin on Friday. I know what you are thinking... the what pool???? Yes, the Seminary pool. It is open to the public, it is huge and it wasn't too crowded, like some of our local pools can be. Cori enjoyed the pool but because she can sit in her wading pool at home and not be held, she thinks she can do the same in a large pool. Try explaining to a 1 year old that if you let them go in 3 feet of water they will drown. So there was a little battle of the wills going on there. I refuse to be out-stubborned by a 1 year old. I can see that fun days are ahead!

Saturday, Cori and i went shopping and visited Grandma at her work and then went to see Grandpa at home. We played with the toys and Cori even attempted to help pick up the toys when we were done playing. Now she is in her tent reading books to herself. I can't wait for her to actually start saying words so i can finally see what it is she has been talking about all this time.

Tuesday, the Kadel clan is headed to Columbus to visit the zoo there. What a group!! I have some pictures to post but i will have to get to them a little later. Someone wants me to come read with her.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Milk

Adam and i have officially gone insane. Yesterday we bought a Pirate Ship Playland Pool for Cori. Although, as we were putting it together and blowing it up tonight, i have come to realize that maybe we bought it for Adam and not so much for Cori. This thing is bigger than our living room. It comes with a mast and the jolly roger flag, 2 inflatable pirate hats, swords and shields, a treasure chest and cannons that shoot balls out of them. Ask Adam if they work, he would know since i accidentally hit him in the eye with one of the balls!! It knocked him totally backward! It also has a slide, a jumpy area, a pool and three different places where water shoots out of it!! Tomorrow it goes in the yard for Cori to play with. Right now it is in our living room, or should i say it is taking up our whole living room. Cori isn't going to know what to think when she gets up in the morning and she sees it. I can hear her now saying "Wow!"

Wait til you see the photos of assembly. You won't believe it! And yes, we blew the thing up!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Discovering Independence

Children become so independent so fast. It used to be that Cori couldn't get anywhere unless someone physically took her there. Now she just wants to get there herself. She walks everywhere and if you pick her up to take her some place, she gets a little peeved about it.

She wants to eat her dinner herself with her own fork and no help from Mom or Dad thank you very much. I used to be able to show her how to work toys or help her figure something out, now she just wants to do it herself. And she isn't shy about letting you know.

I don't even have to rock her to sleep anymore, she just gets in my lap and puts her head down and falls asleep. I still resist putting her in her bed to fall asleep. I will probably regret it later but i like having her fall asleep in my arms. It is precious Mommy - Cori time that i am not ready to let go of. That time will come soon enough... too soon probably.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Back from Vacation!!!!

We are back from our vacation to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. We had a wonderful relaxing time! We took Cori to the North Carolina Aquarium where she befriended a sea turtle, we went to the ocean where Cori loved the waves and the sand, and we swam in the pool where Cori had so much fun with her floaties!!

Cori loves the beach. She had fun playing in the waves (not too far in Mom!) and feeling the sand under her toes and in her hands (and every other crevice and pudge roll she has). She dug holes and smashed the walls to sand castles and fast as i could build them. Adam dug a huge hole and placed her in it. She was putting the sand back in the hole as fast as Adam could take it out.

This was Cori's first time in a pool. She had a blast and wasn't scared at all. She floated around in her pink animal floatie that Aunt Kerry and Uncle Scott got her for her birthday and had a grand time. We can't wait to get Cori's pool out so she can swin around in the back yard.

I am headed out to Kroger tonight so i can get some groceries (since we have none in the house) and i will get the pictures ready for posting. There are some really cute ones. TTFN!