Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First actual day of school

Cori posing with her "pack pack"

Cori and Mommy

Cori and her friend Sohum.

Cori and Miss Tracy

Cori WIPED OUT after preschool

Cori started preschool today. WOW! She was so excited, she woke up at 1am and wanted to know if it was time for school. Ummm, no, not even close baby girl. We got up and got ready without a hitch. Cori put on her back packa nd away we went. I am helping out one of the other Mothers with transportation right now so we picked her up along with her 3 year old son Sohum. He and Cori are becoming fast friends. While they were in the truck together, Sohum wasn't so sure he wanted to go to school. Cori said, "take my hand" and they held hands all the way to school. It was so sweet. Cori had a great day! Adam was the parent helper today and i am pretty sure they were both wiped out by noon. You see evidence of that in Cori's "ride home" picture. She can't wait to go back on Friday!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Cori goes to the Fair

Cori and Daddy and I went to the Miami County Fair yesterday. I am pretty sure we picked the hottest day yet this summer to attend. Cori had a great time and of all things she was afraid of the chickens. Which is appropriate as her Father has a similar fear of poultry! After visiting family, looking at many sheep and goats and pigs and cows, Cori rode some rides and rode a pony. The most exciting part of the fair came after we had arrived home. Cori had signed up at the sheriff's building (after we signed her up for ident-a-kid) for a bike raffle. At 9:00pm, the sheriff's office called to let us know that Cori had won the bike!! She will get to ride it in another 5 years or so. It is a big girl's bike!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Cori's new Dress

The other day Cori came out to the living room and said "Look Mama! It's my bra dress!" She cracks me up!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cori's first day of Preschool

Through a twist of fate, Cori was able to start preschool this year. Today was her first day. Cori has been very excited about starting school. She wants to be just like Erin and Molly and go to school like a big girl. I have to admit, i don't want her thinking of herself as a big girl just yet!
We got up this morning and Daddy was off so he got to help Cori get ready for school. He fixed her eggs and toast so she could be "ready to learn." We got dressed and off we went.
I dropped her off and hung around a little to see if she would be ok. Cori turned and looked at me and said, "Bye bye, see ya later." It was a teary moment for me. My baby girl was just fine at school. Mommy however, was not! Cori joined in with the other kids. She helped another girl with a puzzle, she sat on the mat and sang songs and when i picked her up, she had two stamps on her arms. One for being helpful and one for sharing. What a good girl.

Starting next week, Cori will be going to school three mornings a week. I think she is going to love it and be just fine!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

What a great camping trip! and a little precamp drama

Camping was so much fun! But let me back up just a bit. On Wednesday before we left, Adam and i set up the tent so it could air and i could wipe it out. Good idea right? Wrong! About 5 minutes into setting up the tent it started to pour rain! We just kept telling each other that it was a good way for the tent to get washed off prior to our trip. After finally getting the tent set up and the cover placed over the top, we discovered there was water on the floor of the tent. Fast forward to Friday afternoon.

Cori and i were using old towels to wipe out the left over water in the tent. Cori is my good little helper. She likes to help me with laundry, dishes, cooking, vacuuming etc. We were almost done wiping out the tent when Cori said she was going to look for Shelby (our black lab). No more than 30 seconds goes by when i see through the screen in the tent, Cori popping these berries into her mouth from some unknown vine on the fence. I yell at her to stop and i rush out to where she is. I ask her if she ate/swallowed the berries or spit them out. She claims she spit one out and swallowed the others. I look closely at the vine and can see 6 empty stems. Sure enough, there is one berry spit out on the ground. Then Cori tells me her tongue feels funny. CRAP!!!!! So i rip off a piece of the vine, grab up my kid, find my keys and purse. Within seconds we, plus vine, are on our way to the emergency room.

To make a long story short, the ER identified the plant as bitter nightshade, which yes, is toxic. Cori had to drink what seemed like a gallon of liquid charcoal. When she refused the charcoal drink, they stuffed a tube down her throat and tried to pump the charcoal in. She threw up the tube and the charcoal and we had to start all over. Some brilliant person, (why yes it was me) came up with the idea to put the charcoal in a chocolate milk carton with some chocolate milk and a straw. One hour later the charcoal milk was gone. We spent about 4 1/2 hours in the ER and Cori is fine. Oh but wait, Cori was such a wonderful patient that every nurse in the ER was binging her present! They brought her a Dora marker book, Madagascar crayons and color book, mini M&M's, a big red sucker, and various other goodies. The staff all turned out to say goodbye and Cori waived to her adoring fans and blessed them all from her podium! Sheesh!

On to camping. Saturday we got up early and packed up the truck and headed to Indian Lake. The site was fantastic! We will certainly use it again. The weather was a little cool. Which was odd for August. Actually, of the 4 days we were there, i wore pants 3 of the days. The kids loved it. Since we went with Kerry and Scott and their girls, Erin and Molly, Cori had some playmates. Moon Sand is AWESOME! We will have to be getting some of that soon. Grandpa came up and we took everyone fishing. We didn't catch anything but Erin got a nice lesson from Grandpa regarding how to bottom fish for catfish. Reminded me of when my Grandpa used to take me fishing. Cori loved her princess fishing pole and is actually a pretty good little caster. She had it down after just a couple of tries.

We went for walks, picked up kindling, played ping pong, ate ice cream, cooked outside on the fire and just had a great time. My favorite part of the whole trip was the story we made up around the campfire one phrase at a time. Kerry's kids are so imaginative and funny! The stuff they come up with! We can't wait to do it all again!