Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Some Summer Photos

Ladies and gentlemen!

Cori has started a new thing where she holds her hand to her mouth, clears her throat and then says "Ladies and gentlemen, heeeeerrrrrrrre coooooooomes DADDY!" and then she claps her hands and says YEAH!! It is pretty darn funny!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The summer so far....

Between Vacation Bible School and Dad's knee surgery, Cori and i have been super busy. We have only managed to go swimming once. Not to mention it has been so hot outside already this June that we just stay in the A/C and try not to melt!! And now that the computer is fixed and i can be online during the day, well, i should get some more blogging done and pictures downloaded. (Thank you to my neighbor for fixing our computer)

Today we are headed to the hog roast in Emily's neighborhood and more swimming!! YAY! Our plans are to do some camping this summer as well. Of course we will be heading to the Zoo, the Children's Garden in Dayton, Toledo, and wherever else we can afford to go.