Thursday, December 31, 2009

Feeling a little nostalgic ...

So here i am today posting all of these pictures now that the USB cable has been recovered and i got a little nostalgic. I posted a picture of Cori in the pumpkin patch at Futlon's and i realized, i had a similar one saved from a year earlier. I looked at them side by side and it made me a little sad and happy to see the difference in my baby in just one short year. Already she is losing that "baby" look and she seems like a little girl. Time just zips on by.


Santa came!! And he brought the promised drum set! He also brought some other things as well, but the drumset was the most desired and the most squealed over. We celebrated the day first by saying Happy Birthday to Jesus and then ripping into the wrapping paper. I only have a few pictures because it was way to much fun to just watch the moments unfold (and not from behind a camera lense).


Well Adam was pretty sick, but his kid needed him and so he anwered the call! The call to build a snowman that is. It was late in the day before Adam felt well enough to venture outside and even then, he still felt pretty yucky. But here are some pics of the snowman Cori got to build with Daddy.

Cori's Christmas Program

Cori was a Camel in her Christmas program. She was the best camel ever!

Leaves leaves and more leaves

Finally, Some Pics of Cookie Monster

Painting the Pumpkins

Cori had a lot of fun painting her pumpkins when we got them home from the patch. Actually, as i am finally getting around to posting this (we found the USB cable) the painted pumpkins are disintegrating in our front flower bed. Cori is very unconventional in her painting. It is very abstract. Even when she is coloring at school or making a craft, it is easy to see that she marches to a different beat. I encourage this in her. If she doesn't want to color in the lines, so be it. People will be beating conformity into her soon enough. I am all for a little individual flair!

The Pumpkin Patch

Here are some photos of Cori and Adam and I at the pumpkin patch at Fulton Farms. We had a nice day except for the dead baby duck we saw. We had to do a lot of wrangling to keep Cori from seeing it. We can talk about death later. Not while we are picking out our pumpkins.