For the last few months, Cori has been waking in the night screaming and crying and nothing that Adam or i do can console her. As a matter of fact, the more we ask her what is wrong, or what hurts, the louder and harder she cries. It is very hard on a parent to see their child in such obvious pain and know that whatever you do to help is unsuccessful. It happens about once every couple of weeks around 11 or 11:30pm. Usually, you can hear her move around a little (we still have the monitor in her room) and then the full blown crying and screaming begins. Sometimes she calls for Mommy and sometime she calls for Daddy. But when we arrive in her room, she doesn't want held and will often fight against whoever is trying to hold her. After a while (sometimes 5 minutes, sometimes as long as 15 minutes) she will lay down and go back to sleep like nothing happened. This leaves Adam and i confused. At times she has cried so hard, i just snatch her up and put her in bed with us. She will fight against laying down and then suddenly will snuggle up calm as can be.
I have done some research and found that she is having what is most commonly referred to as a night terror. These are different from your run of the mill bad dreams. For one thing, while she is crying and carrying on, she is actually still asleep although her eyes are open. While she is stuck in this state, you can't console her because she doesn't know who you are and can interpret your hugs as attacks which scare her even more.
As far as i can tell from what i have read, her brain is stuck between light sleep and REM. This transition happens in the first few hours of sleep. While in this limbo state, her brain has trouble distinguishing between real and not real. No one knows for sure what triggers this behaviour in toddlers. Some say it is hereditary. Poor Cori gets a little bit from both parents as both Adam and i were sleep walkers when we were young. We both grew out of it and there is every indication from the literature i read that Cori will grow out of this also. There is another theory that toddlers who are sleep deprived will exhibit this behaviour. Cori still takes a pretty long nap during the day and sleeps about 10 hours each night. Yet another theory explains that toddlers will go through this when they are reaching a developmental milestone or going through a growth spurt. Apparently, the night terror only happens if the toddler is disturbed at the time between light sleep and REM. For example; a loud noise, a change in temperature, a muscle cramp, the feeling of a full bladder and in some cases sleep apnea. As we are really trying to concentrate on potty training right now, it may be that she is noticing when her bladder is full. My niece had sleep apnea and my sister told me that she too was prone to these night terrors.
Actually, night terror is a misused term in most cases. A true night terror is hysterical, blood -curdling screaming where the child's eyes will near bulge from their sockets in fright. This child can become violent and will try to break down doors or go through windows to escape the perceived terror that is frightening them. Only about 1% of the toddler population experiences a true night terror. What Cori is experiencing is more of a night confusion. Something causes her to "wake" in a state of panic. She will cry and cry but will then calm down without causing harm to herself or anyone else.
Overall this phenomena is much harder on the parents than on the child. The child will not recall anything amiss from the night before and there is no bad dream to remember. I just put all of this here in the blog to see if anyone else has experienced this either themselves or with their own children. I will be watching Cori a little more closely to see if she might indeed have sleep apnea or if she just inherited this trait from Adam and i. I hope it doesn't last long. There is nothing worse than having your child cry and cry and know that there is nothing you can do to stop it.
Welcome to our world! Who knew one tiny little pumpkin could make life all the better?
About Me
- Bridget
- Piqua, Ohio, United States
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
Snow Day!
Today Cori had her first snow day. She was rather upset about it. When they finally cancelled school at about 7am (due to poor road conditions) Cori was eating her breakfast and dressed for school. After i relayed the news that school was cancelled she sobbed, huge big sobbing tears. She said, "It's not closed, it's not closed, i need it, i need school." Someday i will remind her of this moment when she is in high school and begging me to let her stay home.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Our First Trip to the Dentist
Today i took Cori on her very first trip to the dentist. Last night she was full of excitement and questions about seeing the dentist for the first time.
Cori - "Is the dentist a boy?"
Me - "yes"
Cori - "Is he a BIG boy?"
Me - "Yes, he is a big boy"
Cori - "What is the dentist's name?"
Me - "His name is Dr. Jackson"
Cori - "Ohhhhhh, Dr. Jackson"
Cori - "What does he do?"
Me - "Cori, what does a dentist do?"
Cori - "He is gonna check my teef"
Me - "And what do we do when he wants to see our teeth?"
Cori - "We say AHHHHHH and CHEEEEEESE!"
When we arrived she wanted to go right back for her appointment. Good thing we only had to wait about 5 minutes. She got right in the chair and was shown the instruments. Dr. Jackson asked if he could check her teeth and Cori opened right up for him. He did a nice thorough inspection and told me that her teeth looked wonderful and that someone was doing a very good job of brushing them. (Pat on the back for Mommy and Daddy) She has all of her baby teeth, and all of the molars she is supposed to have to this point. When he was finished Cori said thank you and was treated to a bag of dental goodies. Piglet toothbrush, princess stickers, Sponge Bob toothpaste and a dinosaur flosser! Then Cori asked Dr. Jackson if she could stay with him and check people's teeth. He told her to look him up when she needed a job.
It was a great appointment and i am glad i took her. She will be ready to get her first cleaning in 6 months and i hope it goes as well! Just another sign that my little girl is growing up!
Cori - "Is the dentist a boy?"
Me - "yes"
Cori - "Is he a BIG boy?"
Me - "Yes, he is a big boy"
Cori - "What is the dentist's name?"
Me - "His name is Dr. Jackson"
Cori - "Ohhhhhh, Dr. Jackson"
Cori - "What does he do?"
Me - "Cori, what does a dentist do?"
Cori - "He is gonna check my teef"
Me - "And what do we do when he wants to see our teeth?"
Cori - "We say AHHHHHH and CHEEEEEESE!"
When we arrived she wanted to go right back for her appointment. Good thing we only had to wait about 5 minutes. She got right in the chair and was shown the instruments. Dr. Jackson asked if he could check her teeth and Cori opened right up for him. He did a nice thorough inspection and told me that her teeth looked wonderful and that someone was doing a very good job of brushing them. (Pat on the back for Mommy and Daddy) She has all of her baby teeth, and all of the molars she is supposed to have to this point. When he was finished Cori said thank you and was treated to a bag of dental goodies. Piglet toothbrush, princess stickers, Sponge Bob toothpaste and a dinosaur flosser! Then Cori asked Dr. Jackson if she could stay with him and check people's teeth. He told her to look him up when she needed a job.
It was a great appointment and i am glad i took her. She will be ready to get her first cleaning in 6 months and i hope it goes as well! Just another sign that my little girl is growing up!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!

To get the new year started out right, we moved Cori into a bigger room. We swapped her room and the computer room. Both Cori and Daddy are THRILLED with this new development. The only thing i worry about is that Cori's new room is pretty cold compared to the rest of the house. It is the farthest from the furnace so it tends to stay cool. Of course then i remind myself that the room i grew up in had 1/2 inch thick frost on the windows in the winter, no upstairs heat and you could see your breath when you talked to someone! I turned out ok, i am pretty sure Cori will too. Although, that could explain this extra fat layer i seem to have and can never get rid of. Maybe it was evolution and adaption due to the cold i grew up in... but i digress.
Cori's new room is big enough that all of her toys can go in there and she has a really great play area. The closet is huge which allows me to put most of her clothes in the closed as well as her toy box, games, and assorted bits of toy junk.
The new den, (Cori's old room) is stuffed to the rafters but it gives it a cozy feeling, not a cluttered feeling. Adam has so much Brown's stuff to hang up that he may never find enough wall space for it all, but he is happy with the overall effect and so am i. Cori is the big winner though, she can't stop talking about what a big room she has. It's the small stuff that makes us the most happy i guess.
Cori's new room is big enough that all of her toys can go in there and she has a really great play area. The closet is huge which allows me to put most of her clothes in the closed as well as her toy box, games, and assorted bits of toy junk.
The new den, (Cori's old room) is stuffed to the rafters but it gives it a cozy feeling, not a cluttered feeling. Adam has so much Brown's stuff to hang up that he may never find enough wall space for it all, but he is happy with the overall effect and so am i. Cori is the big winner though, she can't stop talking about what a big room she has. It's the small stuff that makes us the most happy i guess.
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