Today Cori and i are just hanging out. We filled Hanford and Shelby's swimming pool and they have been having a ball jumping in and out. Shelby will get in and lay down and submerge her whole self up to her chin. She is most certainly a water dog. Hanford just gets his feet wet and then out he goes. Big Chicken!
We have been working on building towers with blocks. Cori can build it 4 blocks high before she decides to just knock it over and laugh herself to death! Of course we have read about 500 books today, ok that might be an exaggeration but not much of one. She loves to either have me read to her or she reads to me. Adorable stuff i gotta tell ya!
Adam and i have been giving her more and more of our dinner foods. Yesterday she had Italian chicken with rice and broccoli. She loved all of it! My goal is to start making only one dinner. Not one for Cori and one for us. But then that means Adam and i have to eat healthier because i won't feed her some of the junk we eat! Oh the sacrifice!
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