Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ho Hum

It's been a ho hum week around here. But sometimes those are the best kind of weeks! Adam is still working tons of overtime and i can tell that Cori misses him but i think she would like to have heat this winter as well. (hence all the overtime) Every day after her nap we have been taking a walk. She loves to be outside and she loves her walk. It is good for Mommy to get out and about too.

I just ordered her the cutest little snowsuit from Ebay. Although i think i am going to have to stay away from Ebay... it is just too tempting to buy her all sorts of little outfits. And my competitive spirit doesn't like to be out bid on the items i like and that could make for a dangerous passtime!

1 comment:

Torismom said...

Sometimes boring weeks are the best!