Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Sometimes, you have those official "Mother Moments". Yesterday was one of those moments for me. Cori and i were playing on the floor yesterday morning when she paused, looked up at me wide-eyed, said "Mama" in a pitiful little voice and then proceeded to projectile vomit the morning's breakfast and part of last night's dinner all over. And she continued doing so 4-5 times before she stopped. All i could do was put my arms around her, tell her she was ok, and let her puke all over the carpet, herself and me. :)

Off to the bathtub we went, where she produced one more puke for good measure and then was totally excited that she was having a bath. Kids recover quickly. It will be days and days before i do. How long does puke smell stay in your nostrils anyway???? Oh well, our first bout with the flu and i think Cori is doing fine. The doctor said it should only last 24 to 36 hours and it has been going around like a wildfire in August. I am sure it won't be the last flu we encounter.

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