Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cori's 2 year check up

What Cori lacks in size she makes up for in intellect! While she is in the 25th percentile in weight (25lbs. 11 oz.) and in the 10th percentile in height, she impressed the doctor with her verbal skills and her knowledge of colors, shapes and numbers. She is healthy and happy and that is great! We are going to be meeting with an ortho doc at Children's Medical Center sometime in the next month. Cori has a toe that overlaps the neighboring toe. It is just a precaution and nothing that we are supposed to worry about. Our biggest worry now is potty training. We aren't pushing and just waiting for Cori to decide she would like to quit messing her pants. It was actually a novelty for her for a little while but it soon wore off. I am confidnet however, that she won't be wearing diapers to the prom!

1 comment:

AK Lockwoods said...

You just never know about that prom thing. I mean, look at the genes on her dad's side.... questionable to say the least! PS: you guys plum wore Granny out! She had to sleep many hours to recover from Cori's visit. Sounds like she had a blast, though!