Saturday, April 18, 2009

Our First Call to Poison Control

While i was working at the nursery last night, we took the children outside to play. Someone produced a few bottles of bubbles. While i was opening the bottles and removing the foil covers, Maggie (4 years old) started yelling, "Cori's drinking the bubbles!!!" And sure enough, Cori picked up a bottle of bubbles and proceeded to chug it down. Poison Control reassured me that other than an upset tummy and a couple of days of some soapy poo, she would be fine. Literally, i was standing 12 inches away from her!! Good lord!

1 comment:

AK Lockwoods said...

OK, so for about a year when Gwen was about 7 months to 18 months old, the guy at Poison Control knew my voice when I would call. African violets, an entire bottle of Nyland's teething tabs, those glue traps that catch mice, rocks, mud, whatever she could grab! Funny you would have this topic when Greg and I were just discussing how Amelia doesn't eat plants the way Gwen did. I hope we didn't jinx our selves. Also, about Cori, keep in mind that she is at a least half Polish. You'll have to give her a little slack. Plus, a huge high five that this was your first call! Way to go!