Thursday, November 19, 2009

Life and Times

Adam and i survived his vacation! I wasn't sure there wouldn't be casulties when all was said and done. But we came through with flying colors. My MIL, Marilyn came to spend a week with us and it was a Godsend! She loves to get down on the floor and play with Cori. She was also a Godsend to Adam and i in many other ways and i don't know what to do to thank her for it properly.

Dad had his knee replacement surgery yesterday and all went well. If he has his way he will be home today, however, the hospital won't be ready to release him for a few days yet. We jokingly call him the "Bionic Man" since this is the second knee he has had replaced. I think we should get some theme music to play whenever he walks into a room. The whole family will be helping with his recuperation.

We have so much to be thankful for this year. Good health, great family, security and genuine happiness. Thank you God for blessing our lives this year, every year and every day.

Cori is looking forward to Christmas already. She has written a letter to Santa and is looking forward to getting a drum set. She tells everyone that Santa is in the North Pole making her drum set.


AK Lockwoods said...

How did the clenaing projects go? Did you find the USB cable? I'm in serious withdrawal from cute Cori pics!!

Bridget said...

Didn't get as much leaning done as i wanted to but more than i expected to. Still no USB cable but i haven't really been looking that hard. I will give it some more effort today.