Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Allergy Update

We just returned home from the allergist. He interpreted the blood tests Cori had several weeks ago and informed me that in reality, the allergy antibody numbers were pretty low. He discounted the grass pollen allergy altogether. After listening to what i had to say about her positive reaction to the elimination diet she was on and then doing a skin test for 14 different allergens, he concluded that Cori must stay away from dairy products and "pure egg" products. She can have products with milk or egg in them as long as they are baked in. I have a list of foods that are off limits due to milk or egg content.

This is really good news for Cori. Many of the foods i had eliminated from her diet are now available to her again. I still need to be watching labels for content and noting any reactions, but i feel a lot better than i did before we met with the allergist.

Bring on the pasta noodles and pop tarts!

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