Friday, May 28, 2010


Tonight Cori put on her best pouty face and announced rather loudly the following: "Mommy doesn't love me. Daddy doesn't love me. Shelby doesn't love me. Nobody loves me!" She then drug her feet to her room with her chin upon her chest and slammed the door. Adam and i both said, "What??" A minute later the door to her room flew open and she ran out hollering, "Everybody loves me! YAY!!" She is 3. I thought insanity didn't show up until much later.

Yesterday morning she came into our bedroom at 7am and announced that it was now time to go swimming. What??

And earlier today Cori told me that her friend Himmen and his pet rhinoceros were coming over for dinner and we needed to have peanut butter and jelly, carrots and dip and jello. WHAT??

She must be Adam's kid.

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