I know, i know. I have become that slacker blogger that i swore i wouldn't become. But we have been really really busy. Cori's speech is just taking off. She knows about a hundred words now and while she still seems to prefer her little "Dutch-speak" when she is randomly talking, she is using sentences when asked and learning new stuff every day!
She has a big book of "Things" that has pictures of animals and foods and vehicles and household items that she loves to look at. She used to point to the pictures and we would tell her what the picture was. Then she progressed to pointing to things and when prompted she would tell us what it was. Now we go through the book and ask her to find the apple, or the pig, or the bowl and she looks over the page and points it out to us while telling us what it is. It is really fun to watch her learn.
Every day Cori and i go for a walk. Usually it is right after her nap. When i ask her if she wants to go for a walk she yells "Socks and shoes. Socks and shoes." It is really cute. She talks to people on the phone now. And has a "Dutch" conversation with them. Although the other day my brother was asking her some questions and she responded to them with actual answers.
She will talk to anyone while we are out and they all comment on how talkative she is. I wonder where she gets that from?? We have been looking at photo albums of our wedding, our trip to Alaska, and various other life moments. Cori likes to pick out her relatives and if she doesn't know who they are she asks me and i tell her. She is so inquisitive.
Right now she has boycotted all foods except, PB&J, Mac and Cheese, Fruit (of anykind), Goldfish, sweet potatoes and yogurt. You will notice there aren't any vegetables listed there. Anyone have any ideas on how to get this child to eat a vegetable?? I would love to know!