Friday, November 7, 2008

Dora Saves the Snow Princess

Over the last few weeks, Cori has become totally "Dora-fied". It's Dora this and Dora that. Nick Jr. has been running comercials for Dora Saves the Snow Princess, a one hour Dora movie. Whenever Cori sees the ad, she just freaks out. So Adam and i planned to let her watch it when it came on Monday night. We set her up with her drink, a blanket and a pillow (since it started at 8pm, which is near bedtime for Cori) and when we came in from letting the dogs out, this is what we saw. (pics above) At first i thought it was totally hillarious, and now i am mortified that i have turned my child into a Dora couch potato!

The other picture above is Cori feeding her baby. She has become very interested in pretend play lately. She makes her dolls "talk" to each other, pretends to eat food out of play dishes, and takes care of her baby. It is pretty cool to see her imagination develop.

1 comment:

Torismom said...

relish it, Myah won't sit still to watch ANYTHING on tv.