Sunday, November 9, 2008

To Nap or Not to Nap.... That is the question.

And the question we have no answers to. The last couple of days, the sleep cycle of this house has been somewhat erratic. And that is for EVERYONE, not just Cori. Some days she takes a 3 hour nap, others it is only about 45 minutes and then there is the whole waking up at odd hours of the night and being wide awake and not going back to sleep. Adam and i are pretty ragged.
I think this must be our punishment for having a baby who slept pretty well when she was teeny tiny. Now, as a toddler, she can't decide if she is sleepy or not. And after a solid week of this, both Adam and i are at the end of our ropes. Surely, this can't last forever!
The toddler is an odd bird. She won't eat regularly. She won't sleep regularly. And for two parents who like things pretty regular, it has been a testy time. And it can't be all that fun for Cori either. I just hope it isn't a phase that lasts too long. And thank God i don't have to go to work every day!

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