I took Cori to her pediatrician's office on Monday. This is a reacurring theme isn't it? Sunday night she had a fever of over 103 and i was getting pretty nervous. So much so that Adam called his Mom in Toledo at 1:30 a.m. (She is a nurse) After dosing Cori up on Children's Motrin and Children's Tylenol, we waited out the night and called the doctor first thing in the morning. In we went.
This time Cori was seen by a nurse practioner instead of a doctor. I actually preferred this. The NP listened to my concerns, was very sympathetic and didn't rush me out the door. She agreed that this had gone on long enough and it was time to get this child on some antibiotics to prevent whatever infection she had from settling in her lungs. Now i am not one for taking antibiotics just for the sake of having something to do, but this time i agreed that Cori needed something to help her knock this out once and for all! Today is Tuesday and already the fever that was returning with a vegence whenever the Tylenol wore off is gone. She has more energy. I think we are on the road to recovery. AT LAST!!
Trick or Treat is on Thurdsay and it is all Cori can talk about. I have never seen anyone so exctied to be Cookie Monster in all my life! I hope Adam gets home from work near to 6p.m. so he can join in the fun. Cori also gets to wear her costume to school on Friday and there is a preschool Halloween party on Friday night. Can't wait to see all the mini people in costume!
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