Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat

I am not sure who was more excited for trick or treat to start, me or Cori! Grandma and Grandpa came to the house right on time at 6:00p.m. Daddy was able to come home on time as well. Cori was so happy that Daddy could come too! Down the street Cori went. She was so cute as Cookie Monster with her whole entourage in tow. She had been practicing saying trick or treat and thank you for two whole days but when it came time to perform, she got all shy on me. What she lacked in vocality, she made up for in cuteness.

The poor think only lasted about an hour. As this was her first big outing since being so sick, i was impressed she made it an hour. About 2 blocks from home she wanted Adam to carry her. Up on his shoulders she went. Oh to be carried home on Daddy's shoulders when you are too tired to walk!

1 comment:

AK Lockwoods said...

Hear, Hear. I'm with you on the Daddy's shoulder comment. Can wait for some pictures of that little monster! Ours are out right now with Daddy and I', handing out tiny Play-Doh in all different colors. Not a whole heckuva lot of kids so far. And certainly no Cookie Monsters yet.