Friday, October 23, 2009

We are sick and tired of being sick and tired

Since September 21, Cori and i have had some sort of cold symptom. And we just aren't getting better. Cori saw her pediatrician several weeks ago and there wasn't anything they could do for her. She hadn't gotten any better, and i have just gotten worse and worse. So i went to urgent care last night and took Cori with me. To make a long story short, Cori shows the classic signs of seasonal allergies and needs to follow up with her pediatrician. (For all the good that will do) and i have bronchial pnuemonia, or walking pnuemonia as it is somtimes called. Fun fun fun!!!!!

1 comment:

AK Lockwoods said...

Oh no! I feel from you, Bridget! Hope you guys can find some relief now that you know what it is. Here's my take: Get some Odwalla and eat lots of yogurt, or tablets of acidophilus. And keep us posted, K?