As it is known, i have been taking care of my Mother since she broke her back in a car accident last week. Well, Tuesday night i was admitted to the hospital for emergency appendix surgery! And i was laying in the emergency room, and the Doctor was telling me my appendix was about to explode and they were preparing an OR for me immediately, i started to laugh. Now i know that the doctor probably thought i had gone around the bend, but really, all i could so was laugh. It was either that or cry. My Mother needs my help with her recovery, i had just sent my daughter and husband to the cafeteria to get some dinner, we were about to get a foot of snow overnight in a terrible snow storm and here i was about to have surgery. Ha ha ha!
The good news, surgery went well, appendix didn't explode. I have wonderful friends who offered to watch Cori while Adam was at the hospital with me. (Thank you Jim and Teresa!) My Mother has learned some creative ways to be more independent without hurting herself. I went to the ER early enough that the surgeon and aneasthesiologist were still at the hospital and not snowed in somewhere else where they couldn't get back to the hospital. We have a truck so Adam was able to get to the hospital and back home with minimal trouble. Cori got to spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa. And because of the snow, my Dad was off from teaching school and could be home with my Mother for whatever she needed that i could now not do for her.
I am home and feeling better (as long as i take my pain medication) and will be back to normal in 14 days. Thanks to FMLA (thank you Bill Clinton) Adam gets a mini paid vacation and will not be working in the snow but will be at home taking care of his family. So it all worked out well. (Thank you God!)
Welcome to our world! Who knew one tiny little pumpkin could make life all the better?
About Me
- Bridget
- Piqua, Ohio, United States
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Some Good News
Mom is home and feeling better. Kerry and i have been taking care of her whenever Dad is at work or has a softball committment. She is in a back brace and her movement has been limited by Doctor's orders. She is getting better everyday.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Some Bad News
On Sunday, my Mother was in a very bad car accident. Molly and Erin were with her when a truck pulled out in front of her just a half a mile from Mom's house. She broke a vertebrae in her back and is in the hospital. I don't know when she will be released. She is in a lot of pain but she can move her arms and legs and is in better spirits today than she has been. Molly and Erin are fine.
Please keep Mom in your prayers. It will be a hard road to recovery.
Please keep Mom in your prayers. It will be a hard road to recovery.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Kitties and Cherios
First a medical update. While Cori has been fighting a cold for almost 14 days now, and while i have been pretty positive that there was more going on than just a cold, and while the Dr's office wouldn't see her unless she was running a fever, she developed an ear infection. Not just an ear infection of course, but a double ear infection with the right ear bulging. Whatever that means exactly i don't know, but the Dr. made it sound like it was pretty bad. So i wonder if it is bad enough that she may have had it a week ago when i called the Dr.s office and asked that she be seen. Things that make you say, hmmmmm.... In any case, Cori is on an antibiotic and her fever is gone and she is well on the road to recovery.
On Friday, i took Cori with me to feed my Mother's cats while she and Dad were away. As i was scooping the food out to the cats, Cori observed that the kitties were eating Cherios. I looked more closely at the food and indeed, it does look just like brown and tan Cherios. Cori thought it was pretty neat that she and the kitties eat the same thing. Thank God she had mittens on or she may have tried to eat the "Cherios" herself!
On Friday, i took Cori with me to feed my Mother's cats while she and Dad were away. As i was scooping the food out to the cats, Cori observed that the kitties were eating Cherios. I looked more closely at the food and indeed, it does look just like brown and tan Cherios. Cori thought it was pretty neat that she and the kitties eat the same thing. Thank God she had mittens on or she may have tried to eat the "Cherios" herself!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
They call me Hop.
I haven't written much because there is something wrong with my camera and/or computer and it won't download any new pictures that i have of Cori. I really wanted to post a picture of Hop.
Hop is Cori's new bedtime friend. I shouldn't say "new" as we have had him a while. He was a gift from my Mom for Cori at her Christening. Cori has decided that she would like a bedtime friend and she chose Hop. And at the same time that she chose him, she named him Hop. Which is appropriate because he is a rabbit. So far, she only requests him at nap time and bedtime. I am thinking that Hop will now have to be remembered on any and all trips where naptime or bedtime may be involved. I just hope she isn't like my sister, Kerry was with her stuffed bear puppet, Buttercup. Oh the stories i could tell about that!!
Apparently, buttercup is tucked safely away in a box in my sister's room. She of course is married with two children now! Hopefully a picture of Hop will be forthcoming.
P.S. Rest in peace Guinness. May you find someone to annoy in your heaven as much as you took pleasure in annoying me... :)
Hop is Cori's new bedtime friend. I shouldn't say "new" as we have had him a while. He was a gift from my Mom for Cori at her Christening. Cori has decided that she would like a bedtime friend and she chose Hop. And at the same time that she chose him, she named him Hop. Which is appropriate because he is a rabbit. So far, she only requests him at nap time and bedtime. I am thinking that Hop will now have to be remembered on any and all trips where naptime or bedtime may be involved. I just hope she isn't like my sister, Kerry was with her stuffed bear puppet, Buttercup. Oh the stories i could tell about that!!
Apparently, buttercup is tucked safely away in a box in my sister's room. She of course is married with two children now! Hopefully a picture of Hop will be forthcoming.
P.S. Rest in peace Guinness. May you find someone to annoy in your heaven as much as you took pleasure in annoying me... :)
Friday, January 9, 2009
A minor setback
We have had just a minor setback here in the Haines House. Mommy is sleeping on the floor of Cori's room once again. Let me back up a little...
While Cori was sick with her terrible cough and gobs and gobs of sneezy snot, she had a terrible time falling asleep unless she was propped up to an upright position. But because she was so miserable, and well, because she is spoiled, either Adam or i would hold her upright until she fell asleep and then put her in her bed. Now that she is well, she wants to be held as she falls asleep. If i put her in the crib she just cries and cries. So we went back to putting her in her crib and Mommy "sleeping" on the floor until she falls asleep. Once again i am scooting closer and closer to the door every night.
The new year has brought many new words for Cori. When she is excited she still reverts back to her Dutch-speak but overall her vocabulary is growing in leaps in bounds. Adam was able to spend some quality time with Cori the last week and i have to say, the kid is in an amazingly good mood when Daddy is around. She is certainly a Daddy's girl. And that isn't so bad. I am pretty sure her Mommy was a Daddy's girl too!
While Cori was sick with her terrible cough and gobs and gobs of sneezy snot, she had a terrible time falling asleep unless she was propped up to an upright position. But because she was so miserable, and well, because she is spoiled, either Adam or i would hold her upright until she fell asleep and then put her in her bed. Now that she is well, she wants to be held as she falls asleep. If i put her in the crib she just cries and cries. So we went back to putting her in her crib and Mommy "sleeping" on the floor until she falls asleep. Once again i am scooting closer and closer to the door every night.
The new year has brought many new words for Cori. When she is excited she still reverts back to her Dutch-speak but overall her vocabulary is growing in leaps in bounds. Adam was able to spend some quality time with Cori the last week and i have to say, the kid is in an amazingly good mood when Daddy is around. She is certainly a Daddy's girl. And that isn't so bad. I am pretty sure her Mommy was a Daddy's girl too!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Christmas in Toledo

The Sunday after Christmas, we went to Toledo to spend time with Adam's side of the family. We had a great time as usual and enjoyed visiting Granny, Aunt Patti and Uncle John, Jerad and Karen, John, Emma and Andrew. Cori received so many nice presents and loved playing with her cousins. I only have one picture from this event. Something has happened to my camera and i am missing quite a few pictures. I have no idea what has happened.
It should be noted that thanks to Granny and with a little help from Elmo, Cori now knows the Hokey Pokey and all the motions! Gotta love Hokey Pokey Elmo!
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